Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I Am Doing Marginally Better

I don't feel icky anymore. My brain chemistry has leveled out again. So yay!

L. came home today, and we went and ate lunch for cheap. No, I didn't really have the money to do it, but a girl has to get out of the house occasionally. And, really, it's not like lunch at Cici's is really going make or break me one way or the other, LOL.

It's nice having company again. I love my alone time, but I really did not need it this weekend.

And I've been working. Not getting many calls, but I have been blogging and newsgrouping and hanging out in the chatroom and stuff. Got it completely done for one character for the week. I got my NF listings redone. I'll probably log into those tonight. So I've done a little bit of what I'm supposed to do. It helps that I don't feel like I've been hit by a bus today. Gives me a bit more motivation.

Yay for less moody slave-girl!

Unfortunately, I have nothing truly interesting to report. My life is comparatively dull. But I do feel better, AND I'm getting shit done, which is better than nothing, right?

Perhaps I shall do the "Pervasive Sexual Fantasy Of The Week" post tomorrow. :)

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